Can You Straighten Teeth Without Traditional Braces?
Traditional metal braces are often needed for severely misaligned teeth, as these braces get tightened over time, so that teeth are then nudged into a proper position. While this can mean a nicer smile and even a healthier mouth, metal braces can also be a bit unsightly and even downright painful. There are other options for straightening teeth, beyond braces, so note a few pros and cons of these other dental appliances, and then discuss your choices with an orthodontist as needed.
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Why a Mouthguard Is a Good Idea at Any Age
If you are the loving parent of some boisterous children, then you will undoubtedly support their wish to take part in sports at all levels of their development. Of course, you will want to ensure that they are as safe as possible when they do so, but are you considering the safety of their teeth, in particular? This is a question that you should ask yourself from a very early age and not only when it comes to playing sports, either.
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Can a Broken Tooth be Saved? Here Are 3 Ways Your Emergency Dentist Can Help!
If you break a tooth, it can be both painful and frightening—but the good news is that the problem can be fixed. The exact method of fixing a broken tooth depends upon several factors, but your emergency dentist can customise a solution that will work well. Here's what you need to know about the repair of broken teeth. If Your Tooth Is Completely Broken Off If the tooth is almost completely broken off—meaning that the whole crown and possibly part of the roots have broken free—it's possible to save the tooth.
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What to Do When Your Child Knocks Their Tooth Out
Children are often in situations that might result in injury. From wrestling about with their mates to playing in youth sporting events to trip and falls, there may be quite a few situations in which your child could knock their tooth out. A sports guard—a rubber mouthpiece that can be customised for your child's mouth—can be helpful in preventing tooth loss in future. However, your child can't wear a sports guard around the clock.
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Dental Implant Care Tips for The World Traveller
Your smile is the best feature about your face – especially on all the photos you take while on vacation. However, as a world traveller who is always on the move, it can be difficult to get enough time to care for your dental implants, thus getting prone to several dental health issues. Now that you have a beautiful, healthy smile to include in all your vacation photos, its best to ensure the success of your implants.
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Myobraces for Young Mouth Breathers: 3 Harmful Side Effects That Can Be Prevented With Myobraces
The human body was designed to take in air through the nose. Unfortunately, many young children develop a habit of breathing through their mouth. Unless this habit is addressed at an early age, it can affect a child's physical and mental development. Studies have found that over fifty percent of children breathe through their mouths. If you have noticed that your child has a habit of breathing through their mouth, both while awake and asleep, you need to be aware of the risks.
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A Meeting Between Teeth: Should Teeth Touch While You Are at Rest?
Throughout a normal day, your teeth should only come into contact with each other for several minutes at most. Contact between your teeth will generally occur during activities such as eating or speaking, and of course when smiling. When you are at rest, there should be a 2-4mm gap between the occlusal surfaces of your teeth. This space is referred to as the freeway space. If you have noticed that your upper and lower teeth tend to be in contact while you are resting (not sleeping), this is something you need to address before it becomes an issue.
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Turn the Screw on Dental Implant Fear: 3 Reasons Not to Fear Dental Implant Surgery
For some dental patients, the thought of having one or more dental implants inserted into their jawbone fills them with abject fear. This fear can then put them off getting implants altogether. To do so, however, would be a mistake. Dental implants promote jawbone growth while anything else has little to no effect on bone growth. While it is easy to understand why you might feel apprehensive about dental implant surgery, the operation itself is really not as bad as you might imagine.
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Two Halves Don't Make a Bite: What to do When Your Dentures Break in Two
When it comes to taking care of your dentures, much like your natural teeth, if you take care of them, they can last for many years. Dentists recommend that patients replace their dentures every 5-8 years but it is not unheard of for patients to wear the same set of dentures for a decade or two. Unfortunately, accidents happen and wear and tear takes its toll causing some dentures to break--often at the most embarrassing moments.
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A Denture Adventure Decision to Make: How to Decide if Full Dentures Are the Right Choice
Sacrificing what remains of your natural teeth, no matter how bad their condition, in favour of full dentures is never an easy decision to make. This is especially true if you are still in your twenties or thirties. Once your natural teeth are gone, there is no getting them back. However, getting full dentures today does not mean that you need to wear them forever. You could later opt for dental implants or to support your full dentures with mini dental implants at a later date.
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