Why a Mouthguard Is a Good Idea at Any Age

Posted on: 4 April 2018

If you are the loving parent of some boisterous children, then you will undoubtedly support their wish to take part in sports at all levels of their development. Of course, you will want to ensure that they are as safe as possible when they do so, but are you considering the safety of their teeth, in particular? This is a question that you should ask yourself from a very early age and not only when it comes to playing sports, either. What should you be thinking about?

Earlier the Better

All parents should consider the use of a sports mouthguard for their kids, as soon as they are able to run and play with others, as accidents can happen at any stage and even in the school playground. Some parents think that "baby teeth" are dispensable and that it doesn't really matter if one gets knocked out, but if such a tooth is forcibly removed through contact on a playing field (or even in a playground), then damage can be caused to the surrounding bone structure. In this case, the permanent tooth may not be able to erupt and develop properly and this could lead to repercussions in later life.

Contact Sports

As children develop, they'll want to take part in some of the more active sports such as soccer, hockey or rugby. It's amazing that some jurisdictions and school boards do not insist on the use of a sports mouthguard here, but that does not mean that any parent should be blasé about the risks. Hard contact is common in some of these sports and significant damage could be caused to teeth and bone in the worst-case scenario.

Why Custom-Made Is Best

It's always best to get a custom-made mouthguard, as these will invariably be safer and will fit more comfortably. Certainly, it may be cheaper to go to the chemist and get one "off the shelf," but if it does not fit correctly then your child may opt not to wear it, with obvious risks.

Periodic Inspection

Also make sure that you look after your child's mouthguard and as he or she develops, replace it as necessary when it does not fit correctly any more. It is a good idea to take the guard with the child to every dental checkup, so that its function can be assessed.

Taking Action

Have a word with your dentist, so that they can take the proper measurements and get the right level of protection as soon as possible.
