Daily Habits for Keeping Your Dental Implants Clean
When you benefit from dental implants, the ways they transform your teeth, speech and eating habits are astounding. In order for them to keep fulfilling their purpose, they require ongoing care. Engaging in certain daily habits to keep yours clean is essential. Cleaning surfaces above and below your gumline If you can keep plaque and gingivitis at bay, your dental implants stand a strong chance of lasting longer. Fortunately, doing this is fairly simple.
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Should You Have Your Baby's Natal Tooth Removed?
The last thing you expected to see in your baby's mouth immediately after birth is a tooth. While it's rare for children to be born with teeth in place, it does sometimes happen. Known as natal teeth, these teeth can pose problems. Do you need to have the tooth removed? When Natal Teeth Should Be Removed Natal teeth are sometimes fully-formed baby teeth; sometimes you see just part of the tooth coming through.
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Here Comes Summer: 3 Tips To Prevent Dental Sports Dramas
The temperature is beginning to warm up in Australia, and that means kids are once more heading outside to enjoy playing in the sun. Whether your child takes part in organised sports or just enjoys kicking a ball around with their mates, dental injuries while playing sports are common. As a mother whose child is playing a team sport for the first time this year, you are likely concerned about protecting their baby teeth from damage.
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4 Things You Need to Know About Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are one of the most misunderstood treatments in cosmetic dentistry. If you are one of the many people who assume dental veneers are not a suitable treatment for them, take a look at these four fascinating facts. You might realize that dental veneers are right for you after all. 1. Dental Veneers Are Versatile Some people assume that dental veneers are only a treatment for chipped teeth, but in fact, they can be used to treat a wide range of cosmetic dental problems.
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Why Your Headache Could Be Caused by Some Spare Teeth
Are you trying to study for some important exams, but cannot concentrate due to a dull headache? Do you sometimes experience pain when you yawn or when you open your mouth particularly wide? If so, you may be dealing with a condition that is a scourge of the younger generation—an impacted wisdom tooth. What is this, and what should you do about it? More to Come When you reach your late teens, you may think that you have your full complement of teeth, but this is not necessarily the case.
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How to Schedule Dental Appointments When You Can't Take Time Off Work
If you're really busy at work or can't easily take time off, then it can be difficult to schedule dentist's appointments for times when you are available. However, seeing your dentist isn't impossible, even if you're welded to your desk during working hours, you just need to put a little thought into making this work. What are your options? Look for Extended Opening Hours Most dental surgeries try to make things easier for people who find it hard to make appointments during normal working hours.
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Preventative Denture Care
Having dentures may be a solution for poor quality teeth, but it's still important to maintain good oral hygiene to minimise the risk of bacterial infections and bad breath. This guide will offer practical tips to help you to overcome and prevent things such as gum disease. This doesn't mean that regular denture cleaning and trips to the dentist should be avoided; however, by implementing these methods into your daily oral care routine, you can ensure that these trips are few and far between, and you'll delay the need for denture repairs.
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Can You Straighten Teeth Without Traditional Braces?
Traditional metal braces are often needed for severely misaligned teeth, as these braces get tightened over time, so that teeth are then nudged into a proper position. While this can mean a nicer smile and even a healthier mouth, metal braces can also be a bit unsightly and even downright painful. There are other options for straightening teeth, beyond braces, so note a few pros and cons of these other dental appliances, and then discuss your choices with an orthodontist as needed.
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Why a Mouthguard Is a Good Idea at Any Age
If you are the loving parent of some boisterous children, then you will undoubtedly support their wish to take part in sports at all levels of their development. Of course, you will want to ensure that they are as safe as possible when they do so, but are you considering the safety of their teeth, in particular? This is a question that you should ask yourself from a very early age and not only when it comes to playing sports, either.
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Can a Broken Tooth be Saved? Here Are 3 Ways Your Emergency Dentist Can Help!
If you break a tooth, it can be both painful and frightening—but the good news is that the problem can be fixed. The exact method of fixing a broken tooth depends upon several factors, but your emergency dentist can customise a solution that will work well. Here's what you need to know about the repair of broken teeth. If Your Tooth Is Completely Broken Off If the tooth is almost completely broken off—meaning that the whole crown and possibly part of the roots have broken free—it's possible to save the tooth.
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