Daily Habits for Keeping Your Dental Implants Clean

Posted on: 27 December 2018

When you benefit from dental implants, the ways they transform your teeth, speech and eating habits are astounding. In order for them to keep fulfilling their purpose, they require ongoing care. Engaging in certain daily habits to keep yours clean is essential.

Cleaning surfaces above and below your gumline

If you can keep plaque and gingivitis at bay, your dental implants stand a strong chance of lasting longer. Fortunately, doing this is fairly simple. All you need to do is brush your teeth twice a day, dedicating around 30 seconds to each quarter of your mouth. Make sure you ask your dentist about the most appropriate brush for the task. Depending on your gums, they may recommend one that's softer than usual to prevent damage. 

Make sure no food is creeping between your teeth

One of the main reasons bacteria thrive is because food that remains between the teeth after brushing provides them with a source of energy. They can then multiply, which increases the risk of developing an oral infection. To make sure no food is lingering between your teeth, floss each day, preferably when you brush your teeth for the second time. If normal floss doesn't do the trick, consider using an interdental brush. Even with your best efforts on the flossing front, you may find you accidentally leave food debris behind. To make sure this doesn't happen, vigorously swill a mouthwash every time you brush.

Alter your diet to make it harder for bacteria to multiply

If you want to make your brushing and flossing activities easier, avoid tough food that's likely to stick between your teeth. For example, meat, like pork and steak. Additionally, try to steer away from anything that's too sugary, as this is an excellent energy source for bacteria too. Rather than turning to sweet treats, start switching your usual snacks and drinks for items that contain the vitamins that complement better oral health. For example, calcium and Vitamin D-rich substances help to strengthen your teeth and jawbones, which then reduces your chances of infection. Additionally, adding more Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 reduces your risk of developing oral abrasions, which can act as a port of entry for bacteria.

When you make small changes to your daily oral care habits, your dental implants will last the extra mile. Always make sure you attend appointments with your dentist or dental hygienist regularly too. 
