Dental Implant Care Tips for The World Traveller

Posted on: 23 January 2018

Your smile is the best feature about your face – especially on all the photos you take while on vacation. However, as a world traveller who is always on the move, it can be difficult to get enough time to care for your dental implants, thus getting prone to several dental health issues. Now that you have a beautiful, healthy smile to include in all your vacation photos, its best to ensure the success of your implants.
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Myobraces for Young Mouth Breathers: 3 Harmful Side Effects That Can Be Prevented With Myobraces

Posted on: 28 December 2017

The human body was designed to take in air through the nose. Unfortunately, many young children develop a habit of breathing through their mouth. Unless this habit is addressed at an early age, it can affect a child's physical and mental development. Studies have found that over fifty percent of children breathe through their mouths. If you have noticed that your child has a habit of breathing through their mouth, both while awake and asleep, you need to be aware of the risks.
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A Meeting Between Teeth: Should Teeth Touch While You Are at Rest?

Posted on: 8 December 2017

Throughout a normal day, your teeth should only come into contact with each other for several minutes at most. Contact between your teeth will generally occur during activities such as eating or speaking, and of course when smiling. When you are at rest, there should be a 2-4mm gap between the occlusal surfaces of your teeth. This space is referred to as the freeway space. If you have noticed that your upper and lower teeth tend to be in contact while you are resting (not sleeping), this is something you need to address before it becomes an issue.
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Turn the Screw on Dental Implant Fear: 3 Reasons Not to Fear Dental Implant Surgery

Posted on: 20 November 2017

For some dental patients, the thought of having one or more dental implants inserted into their jawbone fills them with abject fear. This fear can then put them off getting implants altogether. To do so, however, would be a mistake. Dental implants promote jawbone growth while anything else has little to no effect on bone growth. While it is easy to understand why you might feel apprehensive about dental implant surgery, the operation itself is really not as bad as you might imagine.
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