Whitening Pain: Does Tooth Whitening Hurt?

Posted on: 22 January 2019

Are you put off by the idea that tooth whitening might be painful? While it is true that some patients experience pain after whitening treatment, it helps to know why before you decide against whitening. If you take the right precautions before and after treatment, you can reduce or even stop after-whitening pain. Why Whitening Sometimes Hurts Not all patients experience pain during or after a whitening procedure. Under normal circumstances, you may experience some sensitivity afterwards, but that should last no longer than 48 hours.
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Daily Habits for Keeping Your Dental Implants Clean

Posted on: 27 December 2018

When you benefit from dental implants, the ways they transform your teeth, speech and eating habits are astounding. In order for them to keep fulfilling their purpose, they require ongoing care. Engaging in certain daily habits to keep yours clean is essential. Cleaning surfaces above and below your gumline If you can keep plaque and gingivitis at bay, your dental implants stand a strong chance of lasting longer. Fortunately, doing this is fairly simple.
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Should You Have Your Baby's Natal Tooth Removed?

Posted on: 3 October 2018

The last thing you expected to see in your baby's mouth immediately after birth is a tooth. While it's rare for children to be born with teeth in place, it does sometimes happen. Known as natal teeth, these teeth can pose problems. Do you need to have the tooth removed? When Natal Teeth Should Be Removed  Natal teeth are sometimes fully-formed baby teeth; sometimes you see just part of the tooth coming through.
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Here Comes Summer: 3 Tips To Prevent Dental Sports Dramas

Posted on: 25 September 2018

The temperature is beginning to warm up in Australia, and that means kids are once more heading outside to enjoy playing in the sun. Whether your child takes part in organised sports or just enjoys kicking a ball around with their mates, dental injuries while playing sports are common. As a mother whose child is playing a team sport for the first time this year, you are likely concerned about protecting their baby teeth from damage.
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